The Greatest Show on Earth.....

We thought this would be the best & easiest way to keep all our family & friends up to date on our day to day happenings in Whistler. We'll try to make a post each day, however we're not going to fool ourselves. We're not young fella's any more and the days are going to be long. But we'll try our best to include as many of the highlights of our adventure of a lifetime as often as possible.

Bill Pratt & Mike Greer

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our Security Workforce

Up to this point we've been feeding the RCMP, security teams and the remainder of the workforce. I said to Michael Smith that the food must be good because it passed the bathroom test. He says "What! Bathroom check, what the heck is that?"

Here I find myself concentrating in a bathroom stall when I hear one fellow in the urinal beside me ask the fellow next to him, "How is the food so far", and the other guys says, "it's Awesome". Now they don't know I'm there, so obviously if it passes the bathroom check, it's all gotta be good. Right?

All fun aside, I find myself using my military feeding background, more and more each day. We're feeding the masses here and I have a lot of Chef's  who are baffled at the way I'm able to produce a meat sauce for pasta for 500 people while they're used to doing it in the restaurant for 20 or 30. I can see the shock in there eyes when I throw 2 full bottles of dried basil and 2 of oregano in the sauce. Think to yourself of how much a large bottle of oregano will last you at home and you'll see what I mean. Today I had a good chef friend of mine trying to chiffonade basil (chiffonade is a big culinary term which means long thin strips) to get 4 liters and I told him to use the food processor so he'd save himself 2 hours of work. We can have great food using premium products but speed will make or break us so I can see my skill sets training a lot of these Chef's large volume cooking in a very quick time.

Olympic Chef Bill

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