The Greatest Show on Earth.....

We thought this would be the best & easiest way to keep all our family & friends up to date on our day to day happenings in Whistler. We'll try to make a post each day, however we're not going to fool ourselves. We're not young fella's any more and the days are going to be long. But we'll try our best to include as many of the highlights of our adventure of a lifetime as often as possible.

Bill Pratt & Mike Greer

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Olympic Culinary Torch

Last night Wayne Gretzky may have lit the final leg of the Olympic torch downtown Vancouver, but today we passed our own Olympic Culinary torch in the Whistler athlete’s village kitchen. So it’s not the real thing, it meant a lot to us and you’ll understand why when you see the photo.

Morale is crucial on an operation like this when you’re asking your people to work 12 plus hours a day in a crazy environment pumping out 12,000 plus meals a day, so every little boost keeps the team happy. Tomorrow is valentines day so we’ll keep you posted on tomorrow’s morale shot.

Olympic Bill


  1. Very nice Valentine's card.I think it is sweet you took the time to make it while you are so busy.

  2. Happy Valentines To all the Kitchen. Your blogs are terrific,I look forward everyday to hear what is going on. You poor people must be exhausted you will certainly need a well deserved holiday when its all over.You ae doing a terrific job and know the athletes are thankful you are there. Love to my nephew Bill. xo
