The Greatest Show on Earth.....

We thought this would be the best & easiest way to keep all our family & friends up to date on our day to day happenings in Whistler. We'll try to make a post each day, however we're not going to fool ourselves. We're not young fella's any more and the days are going to be long. But we'll try our best to include as many of the highlights of our adventure of a lifetime as often as possible.

Bill Pratt & Mike Greer

Monday, March 1, 2010

Olympic Breakfast Team

A special mention this morning to our breakast team. This is one team that we've taken for granted but have to come to appreciate day in and day out. As we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it set's the tone for us every day. Lead by Chef Robert who is dedicated and a hard worker preparing breakfast for thousands, he coordinates and ensures breakfast is ready on time each day because he has a lot of people counting on him. He has a dedicated crew that backs him up,  in a previous E-Mail I spoke about the 25 items on the breakfast line, but what about the people that make the food?
Laura from Toronto always has a cheery smile and prepares a special breakfast each morning for the chef's to ensure our stressful day starts off right. Ann Marie and Jennifer are our bakers that not only prepare all the pastries and desserts, but get the muffins and bannock ready each day. Chris, Will and Peter man all the hot food stations preparing eggs, pancakes etc out front for the athletes, but remember one thing, there all backed up by Chef Robert in the kitchen so this team sings as one. To all the members of this team, I thank you, you are our unsung hero's.

Olympic Bill

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