The Greatest Show on Earth.....

We thought this would be the best & easiest way to keep all our family & friends up to date on our day to day happenings in Whistler. We'll try to make a post each day, however we're not going to fool ourselves. We're not young fella's any more and the days are going to be long. But we'll try our best to include as many of the highlights of our adventure of a lifetime as often as possible.

Bill Pratt & Mike Greer

Friday, February 26, 2010

Olympic Taco's 2010

Although we're here for the athlete's, what people may not realize is that we also prepare great food for all the volunteers and security forces here in the village as well. Everyday we're trying to make a theme item that will excite and entice the palette of our workforce even if it is simple comfort food. Yesterdays menu was soft and crunchy taco's that blew everyone away and they are still talking about it today. At home these may seem simple for a family of four, but our family of 900 would seem like a challenge to the average house wife. For us it just means a bit more logistics (and a lot more work). It's the little things that effect morale and believe it or not FOOD IS MORALE, and it's quickly becoming our new work slogan.

Today I'd also like to welcome Chief Petty Officer Leroy Pyke who's joined our culinary team for 10 days to experience the Olympics (can you believe he took holidays to work 12 hours a day with us?). Leroy manages Juno tower in CFB Halifax and is holding the Taco on the right side of the table in the photo below.

Olympic Bill


  1. There is definately a wide variety of Multi-cultural restaurants here in Whistler. I live here in Whistler and was looking forward to experiencing the different Olympic Houses for what the different countries have to offer. One thing I found is that the Whistler Cultural Houses are very different from the ones in Vancouver. I wanted to make everyone aware of the Cultural House situation in Whistler as most of them are closed to the general public. You can go to to see where all the houses are and if they are open to the public.

    Have fun and enjoy our cultural village.

  2. Excellent tacos! and great photography. Congratulations to Paul!

  3. YUM!

    Could you by chance share the recipe? Also, what type of camera are you using? Great photos.

  4. Very proud of all of you,behind the scene people are the most important. Leroy great experience.Bill and Mike GREAT pictures,looking forward to more.Hugs to all of you, great work.

  5. Although I am a U.S. resident and I was cheering for Team USA in the hockey game, I wanted to congratulate Canada. It was a great game!

    So what kind of victory cuisine is being served?
