The Greatest Show on Earth.....

We thought this would be the best & easiest way to keep all our family & friends up to date on our day to day happenings in Whistler. We'll try to make a post each day, however we're not going to fool ourselves. We're not young fella's any more and the days are going to be long. But we'll try our best to include as many of the highlights of our adventure of a lifetime as often as possible.

Bill Pratt & Mike Greer

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Heartfelt Thank You

Bill & I would like to thank you all very much your comments on our posts to the blog. I wanted to ensure you that we read each & every one of them, as each comment is automatically sent by email to our Blackberries. We truly appreciate you taking the time not only to follow our blog, but letting us know it also.

To Cheryl Pollock, thank you for the tip on the opening ceremonies poem, We Are More. I was able to access it online, and indeed it was very moving, unique & true.

Day 3. Go Canada Go!

Cheers, Olympic Mike ;-)


  1. Can you hear the cheering from Cyrpus Mountain. Gold Alex Bilodeau. Totally inspiring story.
    Go team go!

  2. Chef Smith just plugged this great blog on Twitter -- I wanted to retweet, but the gracious Chef did not include a link to your site. Ooooops!

    Keep up the great work guys. The athletes must think they are in foodie heaven.
